How different are the practices and tools that you use on a daily basis from the ones you implemented 5, 10, 15 years ago? I am going to guess quite a bit different the further you go back in time. Many of these changes can be directly attributed to research that makes you work more effectively and efficiently.
As I participate in a number of meetings with local and state boards, research funding frequently becomes a topic of discussion. I know, locally, that the Florida GCSA is helping fund six different projects over the next couple of years. Where does the money come from for these projects? Local chapters and individuals make donations to the research fund for the FGCSA. I assure you, however, that there is so much more that can be done. If you need a second opinion, feel free to contact any of the University of Florida faculty. I am confident they will let you know their needs for research dollars.
To that end, GCSAA, through the EIFG, has an excellent vehicle to help support these research projects. Our Rounds 4 Research program has distributed over $435,000 to local organizations since 2012. The program should not be new to any of you as I have been promoting it across the state for the past five years. We are very excited about the upward trend the program has experienced over the last couple of years.
Some of the positive indicators include a 15 percent increase in rounds donated in 2016 over 2015. In the same time period, the number of rounds sold experienced a 22 percent increase. Also, the amount bid per round was up 20 percent. In 2016 there was a $52,000 increase in proceeds over 2015. All of these indications point toward a successful 2017 auction.
We have dedicated a task group for Rounds 4 Research, which is chaired by GCSAA Secretary/Treasurer, Darren Davis, CGCS. Also serving on the committee is Nick Kearns, superintendent at The Oaks Club, in Venice, Fla. I am confident that the group will be invaluable in making 2017 the best year yet. Also, I am sure you would all like to hear another voice promoting the program!
To assist in reaching even more facilities, GCSAA is poised to promote your efforts through mailers, e-pushes, and other marketing materials that demonstrate the benefits of this worthwhile endeavor. We have also adjusted the timing of the auction to May 1-7, 2017 to run just prior to The Players Championship, where our relationship with The Golf Channel may help encourage additional participation from golfers.
Now is the time for you to help out by donating a foursome to Rounds 4 Research that can be auctioned off in May. You set all the parameters for the round and simply submit it to us and we will take care of it from there. To make it even easier for you, here's the donation form.
Please take a couple of minutes to consider this program as a way of making your life as a superintendent just a little bit easier. Pass along the information to whomever you need to at your facility to donate the rounds and let us take it from there. Funding research should be a fundamental pillar for all of us, and in the end, you will benefit from the work we all commit to together.
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