Recently, Steve Randall and I met with leaders of the South Florida GCSA to conduct a strategic planning session to focus chapter energies on a few goals that would provide leadership with a sense of direction. The group left that session with a sense of purpose and a very positive energy to achieve the outlined goals.
The goals we established were to grow professional membership as well as garner greater participation in chapter events. Through our work that day, we penned a concise mission statement to guide the chapter in their endeavors. The mission statement reads:
“The South Florida GCSA is a professional organization dedicated to advancing the golf course management profession by providing valuable member programs, serving the community and supporting turfgrass research across the region.”
Through a detailed SCOR analysis of the chapter, we identified the Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities, and Risks. Through a deeper dive into these results, we formulated the goals and action items that would be the focus for the upcoming 12 – 18 months.
· Grow non-industry partner memberships (A, B, C, EM) by 25 members by the end of 2017. Create an EM Classification by July 2017 (Annual Meeting) Utilize non-member call list or mailings (spring and fall mailings) and create a membership packet (value of local, state, and GCSAA membership) to be delivered in person. Develop packet for distribution completed by May 1, 2017. Personal visits to be concluded by the annual meeting in July 2017.
· Establish a 12-month event schedule for 2017 by January 2017. Dates with details to follow.
· Establish a long-term goal during 2017 focused on the opportunity to partner with a charity foundation or community project (i.e. First Green or regional charity).
· Establish one educational meeting focused on personal growth by the end of 2017. Topics can include business, communication, leadership concepts / financial / employment issues.
· Create an assistants’ educational event to conduct by the end of 2017, potentially in November.
· Create an expanded equipment manager education event.
It is with pleasure that I report after a follow-up meeting with the chapter leaders, that the chapter has made great strides in reaching their agreed upon goals for the upcoming year. The calendar is set as was an expectation. They have created a nice membership portfolio that will be used in site visits with non-member individuals. Their membership numbers have already begun to grow due to some individual efforts from board members. There are plans for an assistants' meeting as well as an equipment managers’ session. And a meeting that has personal growth as a focus is also being finalized.
I am encouraged by the early progress the chapter has made and am looking forward to seeing the South Florida GCSA build on these successes. I offer to other chapters within the region, as well as across the country, that GCSAA provides strategic planning free of charge. We are ready to facilitate these efforts and guide our chapters to enhance the services and programs that the local chapter provides their membership.
If you are looking for guidance for the chapter or want to dust off an older strategic plan, please contact me or your region’s GCSAA field staff representative and we will be glad to participate in the process with you. I am confident that through conducting a strategic planning session your chapter will have a better perspective on future direction and will have the stepping stones in place to reach your desired goals. Call us today and we will work with you to get this in motion!
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